Travelling with children

Everything about Ita Airways documents and services for children and teenagers up to 15 years old.


To ensure a stress-free journey, it is essential that you prepare well in advance, starting from the required documents

Above all, it is important to remember that all travelers, including minors, must carry an ID document.

For domestic flights, travelers up to 13 years of age (14 years for international flights) must be accompanied by an adult who must travel with the child in the same service class. In the case the parent is also a minor, they must carry a document that certifies they have parental responsibility for the child.

From 14 to 17 years of age on domestic flights and 15 and 17 years of age for international and intercontinental flights minors can travel without an assistant.

The required documents are specific to each case and will vary depending on whether the destination is domestic or international. 

Domestic flights

  • For minors with an Italian document, they will simply need to present one of the documents indicated in Presidential Decree 445/2000;
  • If the document was issued in a different country, please check the Italian Embassy or Italian Consulate’s websites to find out which documents you will need.

International Flights

Minors with an Italian ID document must also present one of the following documents:

  • An immigration identity card, valid for travel within the European Community or to a State that has a bilateral agreement with Italy; 
  • Individual passport: For all other destinations not mentioned above, minors are no longer permitted to travel if they are only registered on the parent’s/legal guardian’s passport;
  • Safe conduct/temporary passports are only valid for certain destinations, for example, a valid birth certificate or statement of birth with a photograph, which must be issued by the municipality in the country of origin and authenticated by the Police headquarters;

If the minor is under 14 years of age, in addition to their personal identity document (ID card, passport or temporary passport), they must be accompanied by an adult. Said circumstances are governed by specific laws, depending on the person accompanying the young traveler;

  • Minors accompanied by a parent/legal guardian: the presented document must state the name of the parent/guardian traveling with the minor, or they must present a birth certificate or a family status document to verify the maternity or paternity of the parent/legal guardian;
  • Minors accompanied by adults who do not have parental authority/legal guardianship: border crossing from country of residence of minors of Italian nationality under 14 years of age requires a Declaration of Accompaniment (a document issued by the State Police/Police Headquarters). Said Declaration must be signed by the parents or whoever is acting in their place, endorsed by the Police Headquarters (or by the Consulate or the Italian Embassy if overseas), and must include must state the name of the person to whom the minors are entrusted, or, if the minor travels unaccompanied the name of the airline company with which the minor will be traveling. The immigration laws for Italian minors under 14 years of age require a Declaration of Accompaniment, which can be in the form of a paper document or stated on the passport of the minor. In both cases, the declaration must be presented to the Police, who will issue a declaration certificate or print the relevant statement on the minor’s passport. The Declaration of Accompaniment, which the accompanying person must present at border controls, together with the child’s passport, will be valid for one journey only (outbound or return), and is valid for a maximum period of 6 months, unless otherwise indicated by the Police, which will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. For further information on passports for minors, visit the official State Police website, where you can also download the necessary application form. The form is only available in Italian language.

If the minor is traveling as part of a school group or for overseas study, the Declaration of Accompaniment must indicate the name of the person leading the group or the name of the institution/body that organized the trip.

Minors with a document issued by another nation (not Italian), should consult the Embassy or Consulate website in the country of destination.
