Travelling with children

Everything about Ita Airways documents and services for children and teenagers up to 15 years old.


We want to guarantee the maximum comfort for your family and make sure our little passengers enjoy a safe and relaxing journey. Seat availability varies and will depend on the age of the child:

INFANTS (up to 23 months)

  1. In the guardian’s arms;
  2. Purchasing an extra seat for flight-approved car seats.

In the case of the latter:

  • the car seat must fit between the arms of the passenger seat (42 cm/16.5 inches);
  • the car seat must be installed on board by the accompanying adult, according to the instructions provided by the manufacturer. This should be either in the direction of travel or with the back facing the direction of travel;
  • the car seat can be secured with the safety belt. Car seats composed of two separate parts, with three anchorage points or metal bar attachments are not permitted;
  • the car seat must be in good working order, without defects, and have a visible European approval mark or other mark of an official public body.

You can only book your child’s seat on certain flights, up to 48 hours before departure, by contacting Special Assistance.

Approved certification marks:

  • ONU ECE R44-03 and 44-04 standards
  • US FMVS safety standard no. 213*
  • Canadian safety standard CMVSS 213/213.1
  • German TUV/958-01/2001
  • car seats approved for use in cars and tested according to the above indicated standards by the Canadian transport authority, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), and the Joint Civil Aviation Authority (JAA).

Onboard cots

Some long-haul flights offer an onboard ‘Cot’ service for children of 76 cm tall and under, who weigh no more than 11 kg, which can be requested at the time of booking. For operational reasons, even if you have booked in advance, the onboard service cannot be guaranteed. Should this occur, the child will have to travel in the arms of the adult.

For safety reasons, only one infant per adult are permitted to travel, even if the child has their own assigned seat.


CHILDREN (from 2 to 11 years)

In the case of children, each child must have their own pre-booked seat.
