Baggage assistance

All the contacts and everything you need to know should your baggage be delayed, tampered with or lost.


If your baggage is not delivered, contact the Baggage Assistance Counter at your Airport of arrival to complete the Property Irregularity Report (P.I.R.), a copy of which will be handed to you. 

If your luggage is not found nor returned to you 45 days after your P.I.R., you can consider it permanently lost.


We will search for your luggage for 45 days from when the loss is reported; at the end of this period, the baggage will be considered lost.

If your baggage was lost, you can notify us of the same within 21 days from the date your belongings were returned by using our contact form.

Our office will be in touch with you via the contact information you provide.


If you should not get your luggage upon arrival, please go to the airport Lost & Found office of your destination city and fill in a Property Irregularity Report (P.I.R.). You will be given a copy of the report.

If your luggage is not found nor returned to you 45 days after your P.I.R., you can consider it permanently lost. 


If your baggage was delivered late, you can notify us of the same within 21 days from the date your belongings were returned by using our contact form.

The office at your destination city will contact you as soon as the baggage has been found. You can also keep up to date on the search efforts through our baggage search service.

If, after two days of you creating the P.I.R., your baggage has not yet been returned to you, send a detailed list of the contents along with the P.I.R. number and the baggage ID tag:

  • Mail to
  • Fax:  +39 06 65433114

